ActiveReports 11
Add Bookmarks
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > How To > Page Report/RDL Report How To > Add Bookmarks

A bookmark link is similar to a hyperlink, except that it moves the viewer to another area in the report instead of opening a web page. You can add bookmarks in a two-step process:

Use the following steps to create a Bookmark ID on a Textbox control and create a bookmark link on another Textbox control at the bottom of the page.

These steps assume that you have already added a Page Report/RDL Report template to your project. See Adding an ActiveReport to a Project for further details.

To add a Bookmark ID on a control

Bookmark ID is like a URL that provides information required by the report viewer to locate the report control. You need to provide a Bookmark ID for any control to which you want to allow users to jump to via a Bookmark Link.

  1. From the Visual Studio toolbox, drag and drop a Textbox control onto the design surface.
  2. Select the Textbox to view its properties in the Properties window and enter any text in the Value property (For e.g., Top).
  3. Click the Property dialog link below the Properties window to open the Textbox dialog.
  4. In the TextBox dialog that appears, select the Navigation page and in the Bookmark ID field enter text like Link Text.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog.
Tip: You can also set the Bookmark ID through the Bookmark property in the Properties window.

To set a bookmark link

Bookmark Link is a simple link you create to jump to the location where the Bookmark ID is set.

  1. From the Visual Studio toolbox, drag and drop another Textbox control onto the design surface. Place it at the bottom of the page for this example.
  2. Select the Textbox to view its properties in the Properties window and in the Value property enter Go to Top.
  3. Click the Property dialog link below the Properties window to open the Textbox dialog.
  4. In the Textbox dialog that appears, click on the Navigation page and select the Jump To Bookmark radio button to activate it.
  5. Under Jump To Bookmark, enter the same text (i.e. Link Text) you assigned as Bookmark ID in the steps above.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog.
  7. Go to the Preview Tab, and click Go to Top.

You move to the top of the page where the Bookmark ID was set on the control.

Tip: You can also access the Navigation page of a control to set the bookmark link through the ellipsis button next to the Action property in the Properties window.
See Also
